祝贺德国RC车手Marc Rheinard 在GP3F 2022 Modified Class 赛事中夺冠!

NEWS 2022-03-09

Last Sunday, ISDT sponsored German RC Car Driver Marc Rheinard to win the TQ and Group A championships in the GP3F 2022 Modified Class event held at the MRC Longwy in France.

In this race, Marc competed with many European and world-class drivers. Marc won the championship with his stable performance.

祝贺德国RC车手Marc Rheinard 在GP3F 2022 Modified Class 赛事中夺冠!

祝贺德国RC车手Marc Rheinard 在GP3F 2022 Modified Class 赛事中夺冠!

Congratulations to Marc for his first success in 2022, and we look forward to Marc’s excellent performance in future events.

祝贺德国RC车手Marc Rheinard 在GP3F 2022 Modified Class 赛事中夺冠!